2/14/18 Whiteboy

Today is Valentine's Day, but this is not about that...

I've recently heard this song by a relatively new rapper by the name of Tom MacDonald. I've also heard the cries of so many people on the internet labelling this song as "white guilt", "racist", and "cultural appropriation". To be perfectly honest, I love this song. Everybody wants to sh*t on Tom MacDonald because he's telling the truth. God forbid a white man be able to discuss race in 2018. I think the real reason everybody feels the need to hate on this song is because it takes on a subject that nobody thinks any white person should talk about. It's sad to me that in 2018 I'm not allowed to have on opinion on racism, yet I'm blamed for it. Racism can come from any race, not just white people. If someone is too stupid to grasp that fact, maybe the should take a good look at the NBPP, or South Africa, or the Middle East, or Antifa, or any gang in Chicago.
  We can't have a real conversation about race if we're just polite and afraid of hurting each others' feelings. I for one, am not. No one alive today was responsible for slavery, nor are their parents, their grandparents, or their great grandparents. The song is called Whiteboy and contrary to popular belief, the song is about unity and argues against racism. Anyone with a brain can tell you that it is an evil belief, but I will tell you; the only thing worse than racism is being falsely accused of racism. If you collectively blame an entire race for racism, doesn't that make you inherently racist? It does.

Tom starts out the music video in a classroom setting. He says; "I made the song 'Whiteboy' in a classroom because it's a learning environment. It's a place of discussion and education. The point of art is to create conversation and ignite feelings. If I'm wrong about some it- I want to learn. All I can do is be honest with myself while I do that."
  MacDonald was perfectly clear in his lyrics that he is not a member of any alt-right group, stating  "...go ahead and hate the racists, I pray for their extinction..." All these people who are essentially saying "nobody wants your opinion", are the very racists they claim not to be.

I admire Tom, he has the balls to stand up for what is right and he's honest. We can't pretend that racism is dead, but it is on life support. Kept alive solely by the race baiters and so-called "anti-racist" politicians who keep blacks held back in welfare and public housing. This song is what true equality looks like. Keep doing what you do Tom!


  1. Once again no idea who this is. I feel like I have been under a rock for the past few years.

  2. Looks like a skinny post malone

  3. great post and insight about racism. It is all around us still and up to all of us to end it


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